“Be joyful always; pray continually. Give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus.”
(1 Thess. 5:16-18)
Staying home – no commute – no traffic problems – lower gasoline bills – less wear and tear on the car – cleaner air – more time to read God's Word and more time to pray.
Many are the blessings during this 'stay at home' order.
It is God's will for us to be joyful and pray continually.
Circumstances are events that surround us, over which we have no control.
Coming from the Latin word 'circum' – to surround, to encircle, like the circumference of a circle or the rings of a circus.
Other than by following the state's guidelines, we have no control over our circumstances. But God tells us to be thankful. To pray continually.
It is easy to get discouraged and impatient. (Only two weeks so far? Feels like two months!)
But be thankful? Yes. There are actually many blessings to our situation.
As a teacher, I miss my students. But I can share with them remotely. As with many schools, ours is doing remote-online teaching.
And I can pray for them. We have online church services and today even a Zoom Bible class. It is wonderful how many ways God can use technology.
Pray continually. Our minds and hearts are centered on God. Our attitude is one of humble worship and listening.
Ask God for the peace that goes beyond our understanding. Ask Him to calm your heart and mind when you are feeling anxious. List your blessings or sing a hymn. God is always with us and He
is for us. He loves us so much that He gave His only Son to bear the burden of our sin. He gave us Jesus so that we may live with Him forever.
Marlene Grunow
prayer ministry