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Writer's picture Zion Lutheran

Come to the Manger, Come to the Cross

A devotion for Good Friday.

Christmas Eve, 2019, Pastor Paul Aldrich urged us to “come to the manger! No matter who we are, there is plenty of room at the manger.

A Savior is born for us to give us new life.”

(sermon on Luke 2:1-20)

And now we come to that hill called Calvary, where Jesus was being crucified on the cross. He was born in a cave to be a Savior. He was lifted high on a hill to be our Savior.

Jesus wasn't being punished for anything He had done. He was taking all of our sins, all of the world's sin and was bearing the punishment for our sake. “Holy Love” – the kind that satisfies a just and righteous God (Jesus, the God Who knows your Name, Max Lucado).

He stamps us PAID IN FULL. We are redeemed.

“For our sake He made Him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in Him we might become the righteousness of God.” (2 Cor. 5:21)

“For Christ also died for sins once and for all, the righteous for the unrighteous, that He might bring us to God.” (1 Peter 3:18)

Jesus took our place. There would not be a way for us to spend eternity with God if it was up to us. Jesus was a substitute for us. He took our place.

Anyone who feels discouraged or defeated; all who are worried or afraid; those who have made bad decisions: Jesus died to take away those sins. All of us can come to the cross, believing that Jesus is our Savior.

There needed to be a manger before there was a cross.

There was room at the manger.

There is room at the cross.

Let us come to Him with praise and thanksgiving. Thank Him with a life lived for Him.

Marlene Grunow

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7 PM Good Friday

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